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Behavioral Health Unit

Firearms Licensing

Public Records Request

Our Mission

Our mission is to work in partnership with the community to enhance the quality of life, guarantee Constitutional Rights, enforce the law, preserve the peace, reduce fear, and provide a safe environment, while maintaining the highest standards of honesty and integrity to ensure the public’s confidence.

Bridgewater Police at a Fourth of July Parade

Divisons & Units

The Bridgewater Police Department has many Specialty Units that serve our community members in a variety of ways.




Bridgewater Police Headquarters sign on the exterior of the building.

Bridging L.I.V.E.S.

Bridging L.I.V.E.S. is a local substance use prevention coalition serving the towns of Bridgewater and Raynham.

Civilian Complaints

To file a civilian complaint, please fill out a form and we will get back to you.